Longwell Lawyers appreciates all of you who are toughing it out through this challenging time. To express our gratitude to you and our friends who own and operate local restaurants, we are buying you lunch!
Whether you are a first responder, essential worker, stay-at home worker, someone who wants to support our locally owned and operated restaurants, or just someone who could use something positive in your day, we welcome you to participate. All you need to do is go to Gringos Locos (Downtown location, 20 E Washington Street), on Friday, April 24, 2020, between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and say “Longwell Lawyers sent me” to get a delicious taco lunch and an awesome T-shirt, courtesy of Longwell Lawyers.
Offer is limited to while supplies last (up to 50 customers/1 lunch per customer). First come, first serve.
Each week, Longwell Lawyers will support our community’s small businesses by buying you lunch. Check back with us regularly to find where you can get lunch and a T-shirt, courtesy of Longwell Lawyers!